(1-5) Software installation
Step 1 - Download the required input and output files from the Supplementary Materials of the protocol.
Create two directories, project data folder and results data folder.
Place all downloaded input and example output files into the project data folder.
As you progress through the protocol, place any newly generated files into the results data folder.
Step 2 - Install Java v.11 or higher. Follow the download and installation instructions for Java JRE at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.
Problem: User does not know whether Java is installed on the computer or which version is installed
Solution: The Java website (https://www.java.com) has a help page called ‘How to find Java version in Windows or Mac – Manual method’ (https://www.java.com/en/download/help/version_manual.xml) to find which version of Java is already installed
Step 3 - Download the latest version of GSEA. We recommend the javaGSEA desktop application available at http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/downloads.jsp. Free registration is required.
Step 4 - Download the latest version of Cytoscape from http://www.cytoscape.org. Cytoscape v.3.8.2 or higher is required.
Step 5 - Install the required Cytoscape applications.
Launch Cytoscape.
Go to Apps → App Manager (i.e., open the Apps menu and select the item App Manager).
In the Install Apps tab search bar, search for EnrichmentMap.
Click on EnrichmentMap Pipeline Collection in the center panel. Verify that it is v.1.0.0 or higher.
Click on the Install button.
Go to the Currently Installed tab and verify that the applications (EnrichmentMap, clusterMaker2, WordCloud and AutoAnnotate) have been installed.