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Guide to the Saber API

You can interact with Saber as a web-service (explained in Quick Start: Web-service), command line tool, or as a python package. If you created a virtual environment, remember to activate it first.

Command line tool

Currently, the command line tool simply trains the model. To use it, call

(saber) $ python -m saber.cli.train

along with any command line arguments. For example, to train the model on the NCBI Disease corpus

(saber) $ python -m saber.cli.train --dataset_folder NCBI_Disease_BIO


See Resources: Datasets for help preparing datasets and word embeddings for training.

Run python -m saber.cli.train --help to see all possible arguments.

Of course, supplying arguments at the command line can quickly become cumbersome. Saber also allows you to provide a configuration file, which can be specified like so

(saber) $ python -m saber.cli.train --config_filepath path/to/config.ini

Copy the contents of the default config file to a new *.ini file in order to get started.


Arguments supplied at the command line overwrite those found in the configuration file, e.g.,

(saber) $ python -m saber.cli.train --dataset_folder path/to/dataset --k_folds 10

would overwrite the arguments for dataset_folder and k_folds found in the configuration file.

Python package

You can also import Saber and interact with it as a python package. Saber exposes its functionality through the Saber class. Here is just about everything Saber does in one script:

from saber.saber import Saber

# First, create a Saber object, which exposes Sabers functionality
saber = Saber()

# Load a dataset and create a model (provide a list of datasets to use multi-task learning!)

# Train and save a model

# Load a model
del saber
saber = Saber()

# Perform prediction on raw text, get resulting annotation
raw_text = 'The phosphorylation of Hdm2 by MK2 promotes the ubiquitination of p53.'
annotation = saber.annotate(raw_text)

# Use transfer learning to continue training on a new dataset

Transfer learning

Transfer learning is as easy as training, saving, loading, and then continuing training of a model. Here is an example

# Create and train a model on GENIA corpus
saber = Saber()

# Load that model
del saber
saber = Saber()

# Use transfer learning to continue training on a new dataset


This is currently only supported by the mt-lstm-crf model.

Multi-task learning

Multi-task learning is as easy as specifying multiple dataset paths, either in the config file, at the command line via the flag --dataset_folder, or as an argument to load_dataset(). The number of datasets is arbitrary.

Here is an example using the last method

saber = Saber()

# Simply pass multiple dataset paths as a list to load_dataset to use multi-task learning.
saber.load_dataset(['path/to/datasets/NCBI_Disease', 'path/to/datasets/Linnaeus'])'MT-LSTM-CRF')


This is currently only supported by the mt-lstm-crf model.

Training on GPUs

Saber will automatically train on as many GPUs as are available. In order for this to work, you must have CUDA and, optionally, CudDNN installed. If you are using conda to manage your environment, then these are installed for you when you call

(saber) $ conda install tensorflow-gpu

Otherwise, install them yourself and use pip to install tensorflow-gpu

(saber) $ pip install tensorflow-gpu

To control which GPUs Saber trains on, you can use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable, e.g.,

# To train exclusively on CPU
(saber) $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" python -m saber.cli.train

# To train on 1 GPU with ID=0
(saber) $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python -m saber.cli.train

# To train on 2 GPUs with IDs=0,2
(saber) $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,2" python -m saber.cli.train


You can get information about your NVIDIA GPUs by typing nvidia-smi at the command line (assuming the GPUs are setup properly and the nvidia driver is installed).

Saving and loading models

In the following sections we introduce the saving and loading of models.

Saving a model

Assuming the model has already been created (see above), we can easily save our model like so

save_dir = 'path/to/pretrained_models/mymodel'
Loading a model

Lets illustrate loading a model with a new Saber object

# Delete our previous Saber object (if it exists)
del saber
# Create a new Saber object
saber = Saber()
# Load a previous model