bidirectional_iterator_tag | |
  ecuda::device_iterator_tag | Iterator category denoting device memory |
   ecuda::device_contiguous_block_iterator_tag | Iterator category denoting device memory that is made of contiguous blocks (but the blocks themselves are non-contiguous) |
 ecuda::default_device_delete< T > | The default destruction policy used by smart pointers to device memory |
 ecuda::default_host_delete< T > | The default destruction policy used by smart pointers to page-locked host memory |
 ecuda::device | Encapsulates CUDA API device information functions |
 ecuda::device_allocator< T > | Allocator for device memory |
 device_contiguous_row_matrix | |
  ecuda::cube< T, Alloc, P > | A resizable cube stored in device memory |
  ecuda::matrix< T, Alloc, P > | A resizable matrix stored in device memory |
 device_contiguous_sequence | |
  ecuda::vector< T, Alloc, P > | A resizable vector stored in device memory |
 device_fixed_sequence | |
  ecuda::array< T, N, P > | A fixed-size array stored in device memory |
 ecuda::device_iterator< T, P, Category > | |
 ecuda::device_iterator< T, ecuda::add_pointer< T >::type, device_contiguous_iterator_tag > | |
  ecuda::device_contiguous_iterator< T > | |
 ecuda::device_iterator< T, padded_ptr< T, P >, device_contiguous_block_iterator_tag > | |
  ecuda::device_contiguous_block_iterator< T, P > | |
 ecuda::device_pitch_allocator< T > | Allocator for hardware aligned device memory |
 ecuda::event | Encapsulates CUDA API event objects and functions |
 ecuda::host_allocator< T, Flags > | Allocator for page-locked host memory |
 iterator_traits | |
  ecuda::iterator_traits< Iterator > | |
  ecuda::iterator_traits< device_contiguous_iterator< T > > | |
  ecuda::iterator_traits< device_iterator< T, PointerType, Category > > | |
  ecuda::iterator_traits< reverse_device_iterator< Iterator > > | |
  ecuda::iterator_traits< T * > | |
  ecuda::iterator_traits< device_iterator< T, padded_ptr< T, P >, device_contiguous_block_iterator_tag > > | |
   ecuda::iterator_traits< device_contiguous_block_iterator< T, P > > | |
 ecuda::owner_less< T > | |
 ecuda::owner_less< shared_ptr< T > > | |
 ecuda::padded_ptr< T, P > | A specialized pointer to padded memory |
 ecuda::pair< T1, T2 > | Couples together a pair of values |
 random_access_iterator_tag | |
  ecuda::device_contiguous_iterator_tag | Iterator category denoting contiguous device memory |
 ecuda::reverse_device_iterator< Iterator > | |
 runtime_error | |
  ecuda::cuda_error | Exception for CUDA API cudaError_t errors |
 ecuda::shared_ptr< T > | A smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object in device memory |
 ecuda::striding_padded_ptr< T, P > | A specialized pointer to striding memory |
 ecuda::striding_ptr< T, P > | A specialized pointer to striding memory |
 ecuda::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > | A smart pointer that retains sole ownership of an object |