This notebook assumes that you have already created an Enrichment Map, manually or automated (as demonstrated in and annotates the network. After annotating the network it collects the annotations and their associated pathways into a data frame so you can better analyze the results in R.

Get all required libraries

#use easy cyRest library to communicate with cytoscape.
tryCatch(expr = { library("RCy3")}, 
         error = function(e) { BiocManager::install("RCy3")}, 
         finally = library("RCy3"))

Connect to Cytoscape

There is a slightly different mechanism to connect to Cytoscape if you are running your R notebook from within docker. If you are not using docker make sure to change the parameter above.

  current_base = "host.docker.internal:1234/v1"
  .defaultBaseUrl <- "http://host.docker.internal:1234/v1"
} else{
  current_base = "localhost:1234/v1"

Make sure you can connect to Cytoscape

    cytoscapePing (base.url = current_base)
## You are connected to Cytoscape!
    cytoscapeVersionInfo (base.url = current_base)
##       apiVersion cytoscapeVersion 
##             "v1"   "3.10.0-BETA2"

Select the Network of Interest

The network name is specified in the parameters in this notebook. (You can also specify it directly in the below code block)

current_network <- params$network_name

RCy3::setCurrentNetwork(network=current_network, base.url = current_base)
network_suid <- RCy3::getNetworkSuid(current_network,base.url = current_base)

Cluster and Annotate the network

Use AutoAnnotate to annotate the network. After the notebook is annotated get the node and edge table which will contain the clusters that autoannotate used to define the annotations. By default, autoannotate uses MCL clustering to cluster the network so the below code gets the cluster definitions from the node attribute __mclCluster. If you choose to use a different clustering algorithm make sure to update the attribute used to define the clusters.

Go through each cluster and get it associated label and associated pathways.

This results in two dataframes, annotations2pathways and annotations_summary. Annotations2pathways is a mapping from annotation label_clusternubmer to pathway. (the annotation label isn’t used by itself as they are not necessarily unique and you can have two clusters with the same label. To make sure that they are unique we concatenate the cluster number to the label to create a unique identifier).

annotations_summary is a table containing information about the different annoations. It contains the label_id, label, cluster number, number of pathways and a list of pathways associated with it.

## annotate the network 

  #There is an issue with wordcloud not recognizing "-" as a delimiter
  # use command to add it as a delimiter and also add "pid" as an excluded word
  wordcloud_url <- paste("wordcloud delimiter add value=\"-\" ","network=SUID:",network_suid, sep="")
  commandsGET(wordcloud_url,base.url = current_base)
  #add the set of words to ignore
  words2ignore <- c("pid",1:10)
  responses <- lapply(words2ignore,function(x){ wordcloud2_url <- paste("wordcloud ignore add value=\"",x, "\" ","network=SUID:",network_suid, sep="");
  commandsGET(wordcloud2_url,base.url = current_base)})
  #get the column from the nodetable and edge table
  edgetable_colnames <- getTableColumnNames(table="edge",  base.url = current_base)
  #get the correct attribute names
  similarity_attrib <- edgetable_colnames[grep(edgetable_colnames, pattern = "similarity_coefficient")]
  #get the column from the nodetable and node table
  nodetable_colnames <- getTableColumnNames(table="node",  base.url = current_base)
  descr_attrib <- nodetable_colnames[grep(nodetable_colnames, pattern = "GS_DESCR")]
  #make sure it is set to the right network
  setCurrentNetwork(network = getNetworkName(suid=as.numeric(network_suid),base.url = current_base),base.url = current_base)
  #annotate the network
    curernt_name = NULL
    aa_label_url <- paste("autoannotate annotate-clusterBoosted labelColumn=", descr_attrib," maxWords=3 ", sep="")
    current_annotations <-commandsGET(aa_label_url,base.url = current_base)
  default_node_table <- getTableColumns(table= "node",base.url = current_base)
  default_edge_table <- getTableColumns(table="edge",base.url = current_base)
  #use the clustering done with the annotations
  clusternumbers <- default_node_table$`__mclCluster`
  set_clusters <- unique(clusternumbers)
  set_clusters <- set_clusters[which(set_clusters != 0)]
  annotations2pathways <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  annotations_summary <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #Go through each cluster  
  for(i in 1:length(set_clusters)){
    current_cluster <- set_clusters[i]
    gs_in_cluster <- default_node_table$name[which(default_node_table$`__mclCluster` == current_cluster)]
    #for this cluster of gs get the gs descr to use in defining in autoannotate
    gs_in_cluster_suid <-  default_node_table$SUID[which(default_node_table$name %in% gs_in_cluster)]
    suids_aa <- paste("SUID", gs_in_cluster_suid,sep=":")
    #annotate the cluster
    curernt_name = NULL
    aa_label_url <- paste("autoannotate label-clusterBoosted labelColumn=", descr_attrib," maxWords=3 nodeList=\"",paste(suids_aa,collapse=","),"\"", sep="")
    current_name <-commandsGET(aa_label_url,base.url = current_base)
    #add cluster number to name - to get rid of issue with clusters with the same names
    current_name_id <- paste(current_name,current_cluster,sep="_")
    #if(is.null(current_name) ||{
    #current_name <- gsub("\nFinished\n","",content(response, "text", encoding = "ISO-8859-1"))
    #  current_name = "No annotation returned"
    annotations2pathways_current <- data.frame( annotation_label=current_name_id, 
                                               pathways = gs_in_cluster,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    annotations2pathways <- rbind(annotations2pathways, annotations2pathways_current)
    annotations_summary <- rbind(annotations_summary, c(current_cluster, current_name_id, current_name, length(gs_in_cluster), paste(gs_in_cluster,collapse = ",") ))
  #add singletons
    singletons <- which( | (clusternumbers == 0))
    for(i in 1:length(singletons)){
      name_singleton <- default_node_table$name[singletons[i]]
      annotations2pathways <- rbind(annotations2pathways, c(paste("singleton",i, name_singleton,sep="_"),name_singleton))
      annotations_summary <- rbind(annotations_summary, c(NA, paste("singleton",i, name_singleton,sep="_"), name_singleton, 1, name_singleton ))
 colnames(annotations_summary) <- c("cluster_number","label_id", "annotation_label","number_nodes_in_cluster", "pathways_in_cluster")

Sort the annotation summary by the number of nodes in the cluster (similiar to how we see it in the autoannotate panel in Cytoscape.)

annotations_summary <- annotations_summary[order(as.numeric(annotations_summary$number_nodes_in_cluster),decreasing = TRUE),]

##    cluster_number                           label_id
## 9               1       apc proteasome degradation_1
## 17              2         verapamil action pathway_2
## 5               3       valve septum morphogenesis_3
## 8               4 protein selenocysteine synthesis_4
## 28              5                atp electron nadh_5
##                    annotation_label number_nodes_in_cluster
## 9        apc proteasome degradation                     102
## 17         verapamil action pathway                      51
## 5        valve septum morphogenesis                      36
## 8  protein selenocysteine synthesis                      34
## 28                atp electron nadh                      32